
We are four French students in international agri-business for developing countries. We would like to deal with a hot topic in the world which is often forgot: child labour. This blog is not supposed to be a source of information but a place of exchange. We want you to react by giving your ideas and your personal experience.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Here is an article on the punishments incurred by the employers of children in Benin.
Let us take the case of Benin in Black Africa. Benin is the moving plate of children's traffic. Indeed, certain families which can not put their children in schools for lack of means, entrust their children to "boatmen" who say to them educators and who are in fact children traffickers . And so for 15 in 20€ the parents believe to give a future to their children.
These children are resold in fact to big developers: cocoa plantations, sugar cane plantations in Cameroon, in Côte d'Ivoire, in the Gabon...
It is fir it that Benin makes decisions of justice against these traffickers:
10 - 20 years of reclusion, and criminal reclusion with perpetuity if rapes, violence or also ill-treatment. The traffickers do not escape to pay fines between 760€ and 7600€.


Anonymous said...
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roy said...

Very good i don't know u but theres a lot i didn't read it either